Cervino Ski Paradise parking
The car park is open to the public 24 hours a day
To communicate from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. with an operator, the customer can use the intercom call buttons located on the entrance and exit columns and on the automatic cash machine
- Permitted vehicles: cccess to the car park (white parking spaces A, B, C, D, E, F, and green electric charging stations) is permitted for vehicles with a mass not exceeding 3.5 t without trailers of any kind.
- Unattended parking: with the entry of the vehicle into the parking area, a relationship is established between the Managing Company and the User for the sole purpose of occupying a parking space under the conditions set out below. Said relationship does not have as its object either the storage or the custody of the vehicle, therefore any liability and/or compensation by the Manager for any theft and/or damage, even partial, caused by third parties, whether to persons or vehicles, whether parked or in transit, is expressly excluded. The presence on site of service personnel on behalf of the Manager is possible, without this in any way entailing the latter's assumption of custody and surveillance obligations, commitments and/or responsibilities of any kind. With the withdrawal of the car and its exit from the parking area, the relationship is understood to be concluded. Any Customer who, after having brought the vehicle into the car park, does not feel he/she accepts the conditions of these regulations, may leave the area within 30 (thirty) minutes of entering, at no cost to him/her, by inserting the ticket collected at the entrance in the exit column.
- Rules of conduct: inside the car parks, traffic must be conducted strictly at a "walking pace" and the user must strictly comply with the rules of the Highway Code, the signs provided, the indications given in writing by signs or given verbally by the operators. Failure to comply with the aforementioned prescriptions will result in the defaulting user being exclusively personally liable for any damage caused to their own or others' vehicles, persons and/or property. It is the user's obligation to leave the vehicle in the designated spaces (with the exclusion of the specially marked reserved spaces), with the engine switched off, perfectly braked and locked, and to adopt every caution and safety measure and then immediately leave the car park. It is forbidden to keep the vehicle running for longer than the time strictly necessary to park it and to carry out any maintenance work on the vehicle and to abandon objects and waste. In the case of occupation of parking spaces reserved for the disabled without displaying the regular disabled badge, or use of the parking space by those not entitled to it, a contractual penalty of € 50.00 shall be applied.
Breaches of the law, of these Parking Regulations or of the instructions of the service personnel may also result in the exclusion of future use of the car park, with the Management reserving the right to pursue civil and/or criminal action against offenders.
- Fare: free from 1' to 30' minutes, € 1,50/h from 07:01 to 19:00 hours, € 1,50/h from 19:01 to 24:00 hours, € 1,50/h from 00:01 to 07:00 hours, € 20.00 for 24 hours. Payment must be made before the vehicle leaves the car park, by going to the automatic cash machines (no. 1 machine in front of the Cervino S.p.A. offices, no. 2 machines in front of the ticket offices) and the manned cash machine (info desk at the ticket offices), which will issue the appropriate ticket to be used to exit the vehicle from the car park area. The exit of the vehicle must take place within 15 (fifteen) minutes from the payment of the amount due, after which, if the vehicle is still in the area, the customer must supplement the payment at the cash desk, in accordance with the rates in force, except in the case of delays not attributable to the customer. Any loss and/or deterioration of the ticket, which renders it illegible, must be reported to the operators by means of the intercom service active at the cash desk or at the car park entrance and exit gates. In this eventuality, the customer will be provided with a new ticket, subject to payment of €140.00. In the event that the actual parking period is ascertained: if this is less than 7 days/night it will be reimbursed
- Multi-day parking: uninterrupted parking for a duration of more than 21 days is not permitted unless authorised in advance by the Manager following a formal written request by the Customer.
- Invoice: the request for the issue of an invoice must be made, at the same time as the payment of the fee, by filling in the appropriate form provided by the persons in charge in the car park or, in their absence, by forwarding the request to the e-mail address: amministrazione@cervinospa.com within 48 hours of the end of the parking period.
- Liability: the Managing Company shall not be liable for any damage to vehicles or for theft or damage to vehicles caused by any cause whatsoever. The user is liable for any damage caused by him/her to the facilities, the car park staff and/or third parties. In the event of an accident, the user shall immediately notify any personnel in charge. In the event of damage caused by impacts, collisions, accidents, investments caused by users in the car park, accidents and falls resulting from the introduction of oily materials, the right to compensation for damage shall be exercised by the injured party directly against the user who caused it. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any damage to the motor vehicle, or theft of the same, any theft or misappropriation of accessories, spare parts or individual parts of the motor vehicle, however occurring inside the car parks, must be reported promptly to the staff on duty, if any, and in any case before the parked vehicle is removed, for the sole purpose of proper management of the car park and surveying the events that occur therein. The Manager declines all responsibility for objects or luggage left in vehicles or unattended in the area. The entry ticket constitutes the only valid document for entry and exit of the vehicle, by whoever is in possession of it, with the consequent exoneration of liability for the Manager.
In particular, by way of example, it is strictly forbidden to
1) to use open fires or lights;
2) to unload and store objects of any kind, especially if flammable;
3) refuelling, carrying out repairs, changing oil, washing the vehicle, recharging batteries, accumulators, etc., and in general to carry out any vehicle maintenance operations;
4) to park for long periods of time with the engine running and to sound the horn;
5) to park vehicles with leaks from the tank or with other defects that may cause damage to the parking area;
6) to park without authorisation vehicles without regular number plates or authorised replacement plates
7) to park vehicles in transit areas and in front of emergency exits;
- Forced removal: parking is prohibited outside the specially marked spaces (parking access roads and yellow parking bays). Abandoned, irregularly parked vehicles that constitute an obstruction, slowing down or danger to traffic and safety will be subject to a penalty equal to double the parking charge with a minimum of € 20.00, or the vehicles may be removed at the order of the service personnel, with the charge and responsibility being borne entirely by the user.
- Suspension of service: the parking service may be suspended in the event of necessity, for works and maintenance work, force majeure, public interest, public safety.
- Personal data: the car park has a video surveillance system and a vehicle number plate detection system. The former is installed for the purpose of protecting the Company's real estate and movable assets, the latter for the purpose of managing the services connected with the car park (such as allowing the barrier to be raised only in the presence of a valid ticket for entry or exit). The images are stored, in the first case, for 7 days and then overwritten, in the second for 48 hours after leaving the parking area. The data controller is Cervino S.p.A. with registered office in Breuil Cervinia (AO), Loc. Bardoney. The extended information notice pursuant to art. 13 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on data processing is published on the institutional website www.cervinia.it, Cookie and Privacy policy section. The notice includes the contact details of the DPO appointed by the Company.
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P.IVA 00041720079 - REA Aosta:23540
Capitale Sociale: Deliberato € 54.600.546.00
Sottoscritto e versato € 54.600.546,00
©Cervino S.p.A - 2025