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Aosta Valley WiFi network

Free Wi-Fi network in Breuil-Cervinia, Valtournenche, Chamois and Torgnon!

Guests of the resorts at the foot of the Matterhorn may take advantage of the free Wi-Fi network “WiFiRegioneVDA” to consult the Aosta Valley institutional and tourism web pages. No registration required and no time restrictions to visit these pages but to consult other websites it will be necessary to register by following the instructions on the page:

The company IN.VA. S.p.A. Aosta Valley has registered a geo-navigator to help users easily locate the free Wi-Fi hotspots. Two versions are available, one for pc with added functionality and a mobile version for tablet and smartphones. The mobile version is easy to use and identifies the users position to guide them to the nearest hotspot. Here below are the links to the pages:

PC version:
Mobile version:

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Località Bardoney 11021
Breuil Cervinia (AO)

+39 0166 94 43 11

P.IVA 00041720079 - REA Aosta:23540
Capitale Sociale: Deliberato € 54.600.546.00
Sottoscritto e versato € 54.600.546,00